14th July 2009

I know what i did is hurt to you, my honey.
I hope that i can everytime write you a daily blog to let you know what i did.
Today i just went to school to attend those class...tired.
Until 11am i only knew i forgot to sms u...i really no heart.
After the first class, i and my friend all went to TBR to have lunch followed by going to CC to play dota.
i am naughty because i skip class..hehe don scold me k...
after played dota then i went back to attend class.
Today is the second day of my school sport carnival...many sports and games competition.
So i decided to go for a "Kehpoh"
unluckily , my group lost in the basketball game.
This is because hor....our group vs Advanced Diploma student.....they really no sporting....the advanced's student use the ball threw at the refee'...
Hate that stupid guy so much!!!!
This is all for today...
no photo paiseh...sumimaseh!!

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